Scientific discourse interaction from the viewpoint of linguaul philosophy and psychology

  • Gnezdechko O.N.

    Vladivostok State University of Economics and Service
    Vladivostok. Russia
    Head of Intercultural Communication and Translation Studies Chair
    Ph.D. in Philology, Linguistics, Associate Professor


In recent years, contemporary understanding of scientific communication as a versatile process has revealed its implicit structure represented by multi-sided spheres and levels of existence, including psychological, energoinformational and internal constituents of interpersonal interaction. The former relates to the biophysical aspect of implicit communication based on the intrapersonal dialogic conflict. Scientific communication implicit structure appears to manifest bioinformational, psychological and neuropsychological levels whose investigation is conducted through joint efforts of biophysicists, psychologists and cognitive psychologists.

In the framework of scientific communication context the process of unconscious projecting turns out to be vividly seen under asymmetrical attitudes. Integral to scientific discourse notional structure seems to be intersubjectivity based on the «self»vs.»not-self» dialogic interaction. Such a dychotomy reflects «intramonological dialogization» of scientific discourse carried out through the intersubject meta-interaction of the author, meta-author(s) and addressee.

The paper describes discursive strategies of scientific communication construction having been predominantly realized in terms of pragmatic interpretation; in other words, via analytic operations being facilitative of author’s strategies revealing. The analytic mechanisms reserve the optional right on the researcher’s part of some hypothetical interpretations over the others. With regard to the above mentioned, we make a distinction between pragmatic interpretation of scientific discourse used as a research practical procedure, on the one hand, and аs a «not-self» utterance/ text decoding carried out by the author, on the other.

Аxiological connotation of «self»vs.»not-self» dychotomy implicates lingual philosophical value of scientific discourse. Its denotative meaning generation in the framework of implicit communication proves to be interpreted in terms of nonlinear scientific paradigm – synergetics.

Кeywords: implicit communication structure, intrapersonal process, energoinformational сonstituent, intersubjectivity, «self» vs. «not-self» interaction, intersubject meta-interaction, synergetics.